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PECB Certified Data Protection Officer Sample Questions (Q62-Q67):
A financial institution collectsbiometric data of its clients, such asface recognition, to support apayment authentication processthat they recently developed. The institution ensures thatdata subjects provide explicit consentfor the processing of theirbiometric datafor this specific purpose.
Based on this scenario, should theDPO advise the organization to conduct a DPIA (Data Protection Impact Assessment)?
- A. Yes, but only if the biometric data is storedfor more than five years.
- B. No, becauseexplicit consenthas already been obtained from the data subjects.
- C. No, because DPIAs areonly requiredwhen processing personal dataon a large scale, which is not specified in this case.
- D. Yes, because biometric data is consideredspecial category personal data, and its processing is likely to involvehigh risk.
Answer: D
UnderArticle 35(3)(b) of GDPR, aDPIA is mandatoryfor processing that involveslarge-scale processing of special category data, including biometric data. Even ifexplicit consentis obtained,the risks associated with biometric processing require further evaluation.
* Option A is correctbecausebiometric data processing poses high risks to fundamental rights and freedoms, necessitating a DPIA.
* Option B is incorrectbecauseobtaining consent does not eliminate the requirement to conduct a DPIA.
* Option C is incorrectbecauseDPIAs are required for biometric processing regardless of scaleif risks are present.
* Option D is incorrectbecausestorage duration is not a determining factor for DPIA requirements.
* GDPR Article 35(3)(b)(DPIA requirement for special category data)
* Recital 91(Processing biometric data requires special safeguards)
What is themain purpose of conducting a DPIA?
- A. Tomeasure the potential consequencesof the identified risks on the organization.
- B. Toidentify the causesof the identified risks.
- C. Toextensively assess the impactsof the identified risks on individuals.
- D. Toeliminate all risksassociated with processing personal data.
Answer: C
UnderArticle 35 of GDPR, a DPIA's primary goal is toassess the risks to individuals' rights and freedoms arising from data processing.
* Option B is correctbecauseDPIAs focus on evaluating and mitigating risks to data subjects.
* Option A is incorrectbecauseDPIAs are not just about identifying causes but about assessing and mitigating risks.
* Option C is incorrectbecauseGDPR prioritizes risks to individuals, not just organizations.
* Option D is incorrectbecauseeliminating all risks is not possible-DPIAs aim to manage and minimize risks.
* GDPR Article 35(1)(DPIA requirement for high-risk processing)
* Recital 84(DPIAs help protect individuals' rights)
COR Bank is an international banking group that operates in 31 countries. It was formed as the merger of two well-known investment banks in Germany. Their two main fields of business are retail and investment banking. COR Bank provides innovative solutions for services such as payments, cash management, savings, protection insurance, and real-estate services. COR Bank has a large number of clients and transactions.
Therefore, they process large information, including clients' personal data. Some of the data from the application processes of COR Bank, including archived data, is operated by Tibko, an IT services company located in copyright. To ensure compliance with the GDPR, COR Bank and Tibko have reached a data processing agreement Based on the agreement, the purpose and conditions of data processing are determined by COR Bank. However, Tibko is allowed to make technical decisions for storing the data based on its own expertise. COR Bank aims to remain a trustworthy bank and a long-term partner for its clients. Therefore, they devote special attention to legal compliance. They started the implementation process of a GDPR compliance program in 2018. The first step was to analyze the existing resources and procedures. Lisa was appointed as the data protection officer (DPO). Being the information security manager of COR Bank for many years, Lisa had knowledge of theorganization's core activities. She was previously involved in most of the processes related to information systems management and data protection. Lisa played a key role in achieving compliance to the GDPR by advising the company regarding data protection obligations and creating a data protection strategy. After obtaining evidence of the existing data protection policy, Lisa proposed to adapt the policy to specific requirements of GDPR. Then, Lisa implemented the updates of the policy within COR Bank. To ensure consistency between processes of different departments within the organization, Lisa has constantly communicated with all heads of GDPR. Then, Lisa implemented the updates of the policy within COR Bank. To ensure consistency between processes of different departments within the organization, Lisa has constantly communicated with all heads of departments. As the DPO, she had access to several departments, including HR and Accounting Department. This assured the organization that there was a continuous cooperation between them. The activities of some departments within COR Bank are closely related to data protection. Therefore, considering their expertise, Lisa was advised from the top management to take orders from the heads of those departments when taking decisions related to their field. Based on this scenario, answer the following question:
Lisa implemented the updates to the data protection policy. Is she responsible for this under GDPR?
- A. No, the DPO is responsible for monitoring compliance with GDPR butnotfor implementing the GDPR compliance policies.
- B. No, the DPO is only responsible for proposing changes and obtaining evidence regarding specific GDPR requirements in the policy.
- C. Yes, the DPO is responsible for all security-related tasks, including updating GDPR policies.
- D. Yes, the DPO is responsible for implementing GDPR policies, procedures, and processes, as well as ensuring compliance.
Answer: A
UnderArticle 39(1)(b) of GDPR, theDPO's role is advisory-they monitor compliancebut donot actively implement policies.
* Option B is correctbecauseDPOs advise and monitor but do not execute policy updates.
* Option A is incorrectbecauseDPOs do more than just propose changes; they ensure compliance.
* Option C is incorrectbecause implementationis the responsibility of the controller, not the DPO.
* Option D is incorrectbecauseDPOs do not handle general security responsibilities.
* GDPR Article 39(1)(b)(DPO's monitoring role)
* Recital 97(DPO's independence and advisory function)
Bus Spot is one of the largest bus operators in Spain. The company operates in local transport and bus rental since 2009. The success of Bus Spot can be attributed to the digitization of the bus ticketing system, through which clients can easily book tickets and stay up to date on any changes to their arrival or departure time. In recent years, due to the large number of passengers transported daily. Bus Spot has dealt with different incidents including vandalism, assaults on staff, and fraudulent injury claims. Considering the severity of these incidents, the need for having strong security measures had become crucial. Last month, the company decided to install a CCTV system across its network of buses. This security measure was taken to monitor the behavior of the company's employees and passengers, enabling crime prevention and ensuring safety and security. Following this decision, Bus Spot initiated a data protection impact assessment (DPIA). The outcome of each step of the DPIA was documented as follows: Step 1: In all 150 buses, two CCTV cameras will be installed. Only individuals authorized by Bus Spot will have access to the information generated by the CCTV system. CCTV cameras capture images only when the Bus Spot's buses are being used. The CCTV cameras will record images and sound. The information is transmitted to a video recorder and stored for 20 days. In case of incidents, CCTV recordings may be stored for more than 40 days and disclosed to a law enforcement body. Data collected through the CCTV system will be processed bv another organization. The purpose of processing this tvoe of information is to increase the security and safety of individuals and prevent criminal activity. Step2: All employees of Bus Spot were informed for the installation of a CCTV system. As the data controller, Bus Spot will have the ultimate responsibility to conduct the DPIA. Appointing a DPO at that point was deemed unnecessary. However, the data processor's suggestions regarding the CCTV installation were taken into account. Step 3: Risk Likelihood (Unlikely, Possible, Likely) Severity (Moderate, Severe, Critical) Overall risk (Low, Medium, High) There is a risk that the principle of lawfulness, fairness, and transparency will be compromised since individuals might not be aware of the CCTV location and its field of view. Likely Moderate Low There is a risk that the principle of integrity and confidentiality may be compromised in case the CCTV system is not monitored and controlled with adequate security measures.
Possible Severe Medium There is a risk related to the right of individuals to be informed regarding the installation of CCTV cameras. Possible Moderate Low Step 4: Bus Spot will provide appropriate training to individuals that have access to the information generated by the CCTV system. In addition, it will ensure that the employees of the data processor are trained as well. In each entrance of the bus, a sign for the use of CCTV will be displayed. The sign will be visible and readable by all passengers. It will show other details such as the purpose of its use, the identity of Bus Spot, and its contact number in case there are any queries.
Only two employees of Bus Spot will be authorized to access the CCTV system. They will continuously monitor it and report any unusual behavior of bus drivers or passengers to Bus Spot. The requests of individuals that are subject to a criminal activity for accessing the CCTV images will be evaluated only for a limited period of time. If the access is allowed, the CCTV images will be exported by the CCTV system to an appropriate file format. Bus Spot will use a file encryption software to encrypt data before transferring onto another file format. Step 5: Bus Spot's top management has evaluated the DPIA results for the processing of data through CCTV system. The actions suggested to address the identified risks have been approved and will be implemented based on best practices. This DPIA involves the analysis of the risks and impacts in only a group of buses located in the capital of Spain. Therefore, the DPIA will be reconducted for each of Bus Spot's buses in Spain before installing the CCTV system. Based on this scenario, answer the following question:
You are appointed as theDPO of Bus Spot.
What action would yousuggestwhen reviewing the results of theDPIApresented in scenario 6?
- A. Using a data processor for CCTV images is not in compliance with GDPR, since the data generated from the CCTV system should be controlled and processed by Bus Spot.
- B. Reconducting a DPIA for each busof Bus Spot isnot necessary, since the nature, scope, context, and purpose of data processing are similar in all buses.
- C. The DPIA should be reviewed annually, as CCTV surveillance presents ongoing risks to data subjects' privacy.
- D. Displaying the identity of Bus Spot, its contact number, and the purpose of data processingin each bus isnot necessary; furthermore, it breaches thedata protection principles defined by GDPR.
Answer: C
UnderArticle 35(11) of GDPR, controllersmust reassess DPIAs regularlyto account forchanging risksin processing activities likeCCTV surveillance.
* Option D is correctbecauseCCTV monitoring poses an ongoing risk, requiring periodic DPIA reviews.
* Option A is incorrectbecauseregular DPIA reviews are required, even if the data processing remains the same.
* Option B is incorrectbecausetransparency is a key principle of GDPR, and displaying information does not breach GDPR.
* Option C is incorrectbecausedata processors can process CCTV data as long as there is a processing agreement (Article 28).
* GDPR Article 35(11)(Periodic DPIA review)
* Recital 90(Regular assessment of risks)
Bus Spot is one of the largest bus operators in Spain. The company operates in local transport and bus rental since 2009. The success of Bus Spot can be attributed to the digitization of the bus ticketing system, through which clients can easily book tickets and stay up to date on any changes to their arrival or departure time. In recent years, due to the large number of passengers transported daily. Bus Spot has dealt with different incidents including vandalism, assaults on staff, and fraudulent injury claims. Considering the severity of these incidents, the need for having strong security measures had become crucial. Last month, the company decided to install a CCTV system across its network of buses. This security measure was taken to monitor the behavior of the company's employees and passengers, enabling crime prevention and ensuring safety and security. Following this decision, Bus Spot initiated a data protection impact assessment (DPIA). The outcome of each step of the DPIA was documented as follows: Step 1: In all 150 buses, two CCTV cameras will be installed. Only individuals authorized by Bus Spot will have access to the information generated by the CCTV system. CCTV cameras capture images only when the Bus Spot's buses are being used. The CCTV cameras will record images and sound. The information is transmitted to a video recorder and stored for 20 days. In case of incidents, CCTV recordings may be stored for more than 40 days and disclosed to a law enforcement body. Data collected through the CCTV system will be processed bv another organization. The purpose of processing this tvoe of information is to increase the security and safety of individuals and prevent criminal activity. Step 2: All employees of Bus Spot were informed for the installation of a CCTV system. As the data controller, Bus Spot will have the ultimate responsibility to conduct the DPIA. Appointing a DPO at that point was deemed unnecessary. However, the data processor's suggestions regarding the CCTV installation were taken into account. Step 3: Risk Likelihood (Unlikely, Possible, Likely) Severity (Moderate, Severe, Critical) Overall risk (Low, Medium, High) There is a risk that the principle of lawfulness, fairness, and transparency will be compromised since individuals might not be aware of the CCTV location and its field of view. Likely Moderate Low There is a risk that the principle of integrity and confidentiality may be compromised in case the CCTV system is not monitored and controlled with adequate security measures.
Possible Severe Medium There is a risk related to the right of individuals to be informed regarding the installation of CCTV cameras. Possible Moderate Low Step 4: Bus Spot will provide appropriate training to individuals that have access to the information generated by the CCTV system. In addition, it will ensure that the employees of the data processor are trained as well. In each entrance of the bus, a sign for the use of CCTV will be displayed. The sign will be visible and readable by all passengers. It will show other details such as the purpose of its use, the identity of Bus Spot, and its contact number in case there are any queries.
Only two employees of Bus Spot will be authorized to access the CCTV system. They will continuously monitor it and report any unusual behavior of bus drivers or passengers to Bus Spot. The requests of individuals that are subject to a criminal activity for accessing the CCTV images will be evaluated only for a limited period of time. If the access is allowed, the CCTV images will be exported by the CCTV system to an appropriate file format. Bus Spot will use a file encryption software to encrypt data before transferring onto another file format. Step 5: Bus Spot's topmanagement has evaluated the DPIA results for the processing of data through CCTV system. The actions suggested to address the identified risks have been approved and will be implemented based on best practices. This DPIA involves the analysis of the risks and impacts in only a group of buses located in the capital of Spain. Therefore, the DPIA will be reconducted for each of Bus Spot's buses in Spain before installing the CCTV system. Based on this scenario, answer the following question:
Based on scenario 6, Bus Spot decidednot to appoint a DPOwhen conducting the DPIA.
Which option iscorrectregarding this situation?
- A. A DPO is mandatoryfor Bus Spot because CCTV surveillance involves high-risk processing.
- B. The DPIA conducted by Bus Spotis not validbecause they have not appointed a DPO.
- C. Bus Spot can conduct a DPIA only after appointing a DPO, since the DPO needs to control the DPIA process and observe how well risks are addressed.
- D. Bus Spot can conduct a DPIA without designating a DPO, since the role of the DPO is only to give advice to the controller or processor.
Answer: A
UnderArticle 37(1)(b) of GDPR, a DPOmust be appointedwhen thecore activitiesinvolvesystematic monitoring of individuals on a large scale, which applies toBus Spot's CCTV system.
* Option D is correctbecauselarge-scale monitoring (CCTV) requires a DPOunder GDPR.
* Option A is incorrectbecausenot appointing a DPO for systematic monitoring violates Article 37.
* Option B is incorrectbecause a DPIAcan still be valid, but aDPO is required for compliance.
* Option C is incorrectbecauseDPOs do not control DPIAs; they provide guidance.
* GDPR Article 37(1)(b)(Mandatory DPO for large-scale monitoring)
* Recital 97(DPO role in high-risk data processing)
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